Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Barack Obama and Middle Class America struggle for a Minimum Wage Increase The New Dream

During the time Barack Obama has been in office he requested that states increase the minimum wage to 10.10 because the amount of wages earned by a majority of hard working Americans wasn't enough. So during Barack Obama time in office multiple sectors in the job market started protesting for higher pay raises. The majority of workers at Mcdonalds demanded higher better paying jobs. The frustrations grew more and more as the economy was facing a inflationary period. With the federal reserve keeping low interest rates at the sometime pouring money into the market to contain any negative fallout from the 2001 recession. The demand of higher commodities and standard of living was increasing while workers wages remained the same. Walmart workers started to also demand more changes. They wanted to change the company structure by demanding higher wages and a health insurance plan that would meet their needs. Workers from different sectors like Hotel employees Doormen started to request higher pay. All the workers in America started to demand change. The living wages where not catching up to day to day workers. Families where stuck in a turbo capitalist society. That would mean that no matter the amount of hours workers would work they still couldn't find enough money to pay the rent, food, electricity bills, transportation, and other basic necessities. Barack Obama came in on the idea of helping to establish a strong Middle Class. While he was in power many in his own Chicago area where lacking resources of jobs. The amount of killing in Chicago continued with black on black gang attacks. Barack Obama was willing to pour the bulk of financial money into "Democracy Programs" abroad. Leaving US states vulnerable and in need of economic vibrance. Over Barack Obama time in the White house places like Detroit went long periods without water. The outcome of many of the domestic failures of Barack Obama's was the inability to stop outsourcing aid to corrupt countries abroad. During his time as president he voiced little change to the current economic model that aided more the very wealthy instead of the poor and Middle Class families. The economy did get better during Barack Obama presidency but that was due to the federal reserve. Propping up the market as it could continue attempting to readjust itself from the recession of 2001. On April 26, Obama included this passage in his weekly address: "Right now, there’s a bill that would boost America’s minimum wage to $10.10 an hour. That would lift wages for nearly 28 million Americans across the country. 28 million. And we’re not just talking about young people on their first job. The average minimum wage worker is 35 years old. They work hard, often in physically demanding jobs." But soon after the remarks where made no real concrete initiative ever took place to change the minimum wage. Shortly after a couple of states announced that they would be making changes to increase workers wages. But that wouldn't be enough for workers struggling to pay medical bills and higher education loans to meet the satisfaction of day to day demands of the market. Meaning that as the worker worked part time job shifts and interest rates remained the same until the market recovered. Real concrete economic changes for the family households would take years to take effect. By the time workers recovered from the 2001 recession and got back on their feet with full-time jobs and a better economy. The spiral of debt in household would be double that then previous years. Barack Obama minimum wage increase will come in states that are more blue states but would find difficulties in red states. Creating more divisions in America along state lines and shifting the economic model into a more progressive one. Some states quickly adopted Barack Obama vision of higher wages while others planned to increase higher wages in years to come. While other states rejected the proposal all together. Some what I am trying to point out is that workers across different states where in need of serious economic change for the Middle Class. But by the time minimum wages would increase by state it would be to late. Workers debt didn't stop growing. Family house hold incomes stagnated because of Barack Obama inability to drive forward a greater plan for Middle Class Families in America. Students coming out of the school and back into the market where stuck with huge school loans. The burden of finding a job in an outsourced job market going abroad towards countries like China. Along with balancing healthcare bills. Barack Obama initiative was to provide Americans with a better Healthcare plan that would force America workers to bid on an online market to gain an advantage over different insurance plan holders. But that wasn't the case. Workers where stuck in limbo not knowing what plan could benefit them. They jumped into the market picked a healthcare plan that was still incredibly expensive for them. Leaving many of them unable to pay co pays or for medication not covered by the healthcare plans. Now workers are punished for not buying into the marketing scheme of Health Insurance. They are forced to buy a plan or are than hit with a fine that can become another burden on MiddleClass Families. Which automatically means that they would fall into the "debt" category. So hard working Americans are facing of on a tide of external forces. Creating massive stress levels on the population and mental health problems associated with debt and minimum wage stagnation. Here I placed a link of the US Bureau of Labor Statistics Which describes that not only wages fluctuate across the board based on gender, age, and other reason but that minimum wages for undocumented workers was even below the living standard. This can even be compared to modern day slavery of Immigrant Workers. Under the first Half Black and Half White US president in History. Many undocumented families received 5 dollars an hour working under long hours and hard conditions. Many undocumented families had no opportunity to speak out and would face deportation by Barack Obama inability to stop high deportation across state lines. Today our generation faces a shift not only from a industrial market economy but a more technological advancement economy. The economy itself is shifting from factory jobs to new innovative technological jobs. The demand to go back into school is higher meaning more debt burdens on the working class. Middle Class families are stuck in a higher demand higher education market than previously. The cost are greater the economic divisions are greater. The debts of the current generation is greater than past generations. As working class America attempts to balance the eroding Middle Class structure in America. They are left with making sound hardcore judgements. Chance America for the survival of the MiddleClass or perish back into an Autocratic state with a fading Democratic Process. The shift of the population is becoming infused into a powder keg that will sweep the nation. American workers are struggling to maintain themselves in the MiddleClass bracket but often more than not are falling into the poor class bracket. As Barack Obama forgotten initiative of Raising the Minimum Wage stagnates like American workers wages. Class war is something that is going to eventually create a huge transformation in America. The longer the "can gets kicked down the road" the higher the possibilities of an all our class war across state lines. My next blog will describe Puerto Rico Middle Class struggle and poor class relationship with America.

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